Tuesday, 6 May 2014

A weekend in Smithers

Good afternoon!
Here's a quick report on the weekend in Smithers. I forgot my camera, so I snagged a couple pics from friends. So there's not very many.
My eyelids are just open enough to write a quick post about an amazing weekend! With jetlag from the trip to Smithers, very little sleep while in Smithers and then jetlag from the way back... I think I must be a student or something.
I quickly zipped over to Smithers for 3 days to be a bridesmaid in my friend Rachel's wedding! While we were there, of course we went four-by-fouring with a couple really shabby vehicles. Of course part of the fun is getting majorly stuck, and then having to spend 2 hours on repairs to a wet engine and somehow getting the vehicle out of the huge puddle, which had to be drained!. We also went on a hike last night, and then of course lots of catching up with different people! Enjoy the pics!
A spark plug had been dropped into the freezing cold puddle. These guys took off socks and shoes and dove in!

Hudson Bay Mountain from the area that wedding photos were taken!

My sister Alyssa, and her boyfriend. I don't know if we have any normal pictures...

The wedding party
So it was really a great weekend, and I look forward to seeing you all in just 6 weeks!

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