Monday, 3 February 2014

Model students

Lately things have been more or less settling into routine. Classes for two hours on Monday and Wednesday, church on Sunday, usually a road trip from Larry and Hanneke Bol (an older couple who like taking us out) on Saturdays, and the rest of the week for other routines. Or at least as routine as it can be when one is a traveller in Europe and slightly multitasking-deficient.
Here's how it went. I showed up to class on Wednesday, half an hour early for class as I like to be early on my first day. The door to my classroom was closed, so I nicely crossed my legs to wait while reading a textbook, pretty much the model student. Ten minutes before class I decided that someone had probably forgotten to open the door, so I decided to wait in the classroom. I opened the door... to a lecture hall filled with about 100 students. And the door had to be in the front of the classroom too yet. So I smiled primly and walked out (at least that's what I tell myself). It was a bit of a shock, but anyways I found out later that I had a scheduling problem... I had scheduled two courses opposite. But hey, all is well that ends well and both courses are really interesting, although they do include a lot of work for someone who is not necessarily the model student while in Europe- too much to do!
I have class on Monday and Wednesday, which leaves the rest of the week for exploring. So far we haven't done a ton of exploring, as there has been a bunch of organizational things to get done. But here are a few photos of what we've been up to lately.
A solo bike ride along the dike at night... this is about three minutes away from Maclean's by bike!
I was off of school early one day, and did some exploring in this area. One of these houses was from the 1600's, and is still a private residence! This part of town is where the 'snobs' live apparently, which is partially evident by the huge houses.

This is the view from our attic window where we sleep. There are kms of these types of houses, all narrow and three stories high, with identical interiors.
We have also been learning the ropes about this place. Here's a few tips for you, for when you come to visit us :)
1. Buy a rain pants for those days it pours and after your 40 minute bike ride to class you are soaked. At least if you want to come into class and not look like a tourist or a cheap Dutchman.
2. If you smile at someone, they will smile back, and often say hello and make conversation. The Dutch are very friendly!
3. Don't make fun of their mountain (aka garbage dump that is a slight hill, and has been made into a concrete ski hill. We have yet to see snow). They will no longer be friendly.
4. If you want the most beautiful quiet, bike along the canals at night. The cabins on the water flicker their lights quietly on the rippling dark surface of the water, the night birds will call out occasionally, and the ripples lap quietly onto shore. Beautiful!
5. The stroepwaffles here are seriously addictive. There has got to be some sort of a drug in them. Stay away (at least from mine) if you want to enjoy a long life!
6. Come as soon as possible to visit us so you can enjoy the spring time! Yes, the tulips and daffodails are in full bloom!

This weekend we are planning a 40 km-round bike trip to Gouda ( famous for its cheesc of course !) with some of the church kids! I'll post pictures soon!


  1. Tim gave me the link to your blog and it's now posted under "my favourites":). I am going to enjoy studying in Holland and travelling places, living it through your eyes, wishing I had the chance....:). Enjoy and thanks for making a blog!

  2. You paint a pretty great picture. Almost makes me want to come and visit but alas, I must go to Brazil next week.

  3. Thanks for spending the time to do this post, Kim. Much appreciated.

  4. Hey kim. Don't fall in the ocean while you're biking on the dike!
