Spring has sprung in all it's vibrant splashes of beauty. I am thoroughly enjoying weekends sitting on the dock, doing small hikes, taking time off work to be a tour guide to a Manitoba snow girl, and showing some of Maurits' dutch friends around!
Cultus Lake sunshine
Maurits Valentine's gift that he made himself!
This man takes care of me so well, makes me laugh til I fall off the couch, is trustworthy, and a great friend.
Hiking in the States
Ladies ski free! Except it was $50 to rent and the snow was almost slush so we only did four runs :/ Still a fun day!
Girl's evening with Miss Anthea's school girls!
Spot something strange in this picture? Yup, the wooden cutting board burnt to a crisp on the bottom, and the pizza top also burnt, while the bottom of the pizza was still mush. Note to self: next time don't use a cutting board as an oven tray! It was still worth it tho!
I stretched my miniscus in my knee a week ago at the first Co-ed soccer practise. My sweet room mate figures that chocolate can cure everything, and I'm pretty sure she's got the best cure!
A weekend spent with Aunty Cec! It was a nice treat for her to be away from Manitoba snow world and into the sunshine and flowers!
So many good chats, laughter and selfies :)
The morning after I stretched my miniscus I couldn't walk so my handsome brought me a delicious breakfast! He's a champ!
Brad also rolled his ankle so these two invalids took a day off work. Misery loves company :/ And Sudoku!
Harrison Hotsprings with the Dutch guys! It was really neat to see this place through their eyes for a couple days, they couldn't imagine how we could get used to such a beautiful place! It reawakens in us the eyes to see the majesty of God's creation, to breathe deeply the clean air, hear the stillness and be surrounded by God!
Family Day weekend spent with the famjam!
This was a $200 view with the Dutch guys. O man. (rant alert). So everyone in BC has Spring break in the next two weeks. Like everyone. Except for this one school in Harrison. I was taking Maurits' two dutch friends to Harrison lake two days ago, as he was working. Anyway, first off we started with getting lost. After half an hour we decided we should turn back and we found the right way. Then, my GPS stopped working. I'm pretty sure the guy in the passenger seat wasn't showing it enough love, it is quite temperamental and needs tender care. And now my 'A' doesn't work on the GPs so he was probably using man hands to try make it work... Anyway. Spring break. After all that we were finally on the right track, following some highway signs to the lake. When. suddenly. From behind. Came some flashing lights. Joy to the world, a police man stepped out of his ghost car, and told me I had just gone 67 through a school zone. Well, hello respected police officer, it is spring break so I don't have to slow down to 30. Well actually miss Devries, this little school, in the middle of nowhere, is probably the ONLY school in the WHOLE province!! that doesn't have spring break at this time of year!! Well ok, that makes me going 37 km/hr above the speed limit, and if you go 40 above the limit your car gets impounded. Plus I had two guys in the car that don't speak English very well, and didn't know what I meant when I asked them to get my insurance papers out and spoke in Dutch in front of the officer so he was probably wondering what on earth a young girl was doing in the car with two 30 year old guys that don't speak English! It was so funny though! Anyway, I got off with just a $200 fine, pretty good considering what it might have been! And the guys thought the whole situation was hilarious. They promised not to tell Maus when we got home but I was so conscience stricken that I told him almost as soon as he came in the door!